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Information On Bettas

Bettas are a wonderful pet. Although they are easy to care for, they should not be impulse pets. Bettas do not like small tanks, contrary to the information saying they live in small puddles. Yo may have a 1 1/2 gallon tank that you keep only one betta in. Although that seems small, your betta  has plenty of room to swim around, and your betta is quite active. Next, some bettas like a bubbler, while others do not. We have once had a betta that had a strong bubbler on all the time, and he became lethargic. If we have a filter, we normally plug in the bubbler for 5 minutes every other day, or we don't even use it at all. Bettas are from Thailand, so they like warmer climates; they like tempatures from 78-80 degrees. Keep your betta near a source of heat or buy a heater. Bettas also like plants, so you can buy fake or live plants to keep your fish friends happy. I sometimes keep my rescues in 1 gallon bowls, but this is only temporary. It is cruel to keep bettas in 1/2 gallon tanks. So even though that small cubicle looks good, and it's only $5, keep your fish happy and healthy. One gallon tank is the smallest tank you can keep your betta in. Remember, never put two male bettas together! They will fight until they die, it is very cruel. If you want to house female bettas together, you must have a 10 gallon tank or more.

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